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Bunnies 2 Love Rabbitry
Bunnies 2 Love Rabbitry
Important information for anyone who purchases a rabbit or rabbits from Bunnies 2 Love Rabbitry.
We are members of the ARBA (American Rabbit Breeders Association).
When purchasing a rabbit or rabbits from Bunnies 2 Love Rabbitry, you are getting a rabbit in excellent health. Once you take your rabbit home, we are not responsible for any issues that arises under your care. We do not refund money or exchange rabbits after purchases are made.
We don’t hold rabbits unless a 50% deposit is placed using VENMO or Cash APP or cash given if the rabbit is ready to go at which time the pick up date is arranged. The remaning 50% balance needs to be paid prior to pick up unless paying by cash when picking up your rabbit or rabbits.
If a deposit is placed and prior arrangements aren't made for pick up or the pick up date will be missed and a new date isn’t made in a reasonable time, there will be a forfeiture of the deposit and the rabbit will be sold to someone else. If it is arranged for a later pick up date there will be a fee of $5.00 per day for the feeding and care of the rabbit for a short period of time.
Rabbits sold as pets will not come with a pedigree and are not to be bred as pet rabbits to flood the market with pets that deminish the SOP (Standard Of Perfection) of the Holland Lop and Mini Rex breeds. At Bunnies 2 Love we strive for the ARBA (American Rabbit Breeders Association) SOP (Standard Of Perfection) in every rabbit bred, but there are times when pet quality rabbits are born.
a description here.Bunnies 2 Love Sales. policy
Bunnies 2 Love Rabbitry is not responsible for the health of the rabbit once it leaves our care.
If a rabbit leaves our care the buyer has the responsibility to look over the rabbit & determine its healthy enough to take home.
If a customer takes a rabbit home after looking it over, the customer can return the rabbit for a refund within 7 days and we offer to return the money ONLY if the rabbit gets returned.